Thursday, October 15, 2009

Augusta County votes more spending over taxpayers' objection

Augusta resident Ed Long presents facts to try and persuade BOS not to spend $60,000 a year on new cell phones.


Ignoring county citizens who spoke before the board of supervisors Wednesday night to ask that the county postpone unnecessary spending until the financial atmosphere improves, Augusta County supervisors unanimously voted 6-0 (Supervisor Tracy Pyles was on a business trip) to provide new cell phones and Blackberries for employees at a minimum cost of nearly $60,000 a year.

County resident Ed Long had charts showing the depressed economy with research that showed a huge never-before-seen drop in consumer confidence, Virginia unemployment that has continued to rise, home foreclosures that have continued to rise, median home prices that are down 20%, home sales that are down 11% the past year, and a state budget that projects a $3.3 billion deficit for 2010.

David Karaffa echoed Mr. Long's concerns and ask that supervisors consider making do with current cell phones until the economy improves.

It fell on deaf ears.

My own cell phone is a used model that was provided to me when my phone failed ... it is old and battered ... and I would like a new one but have held off because my husband had taken a 15% pay cut this year to help his company and we have cut back expenses.

But our tax money is paying for new equipment for county employees. Meanwhile, supervisors wonder why county residents are upset with their lack of representation when citizens are dealing with lost jobs, repossessed houses, decreased salaries, and furloughs.

SWAC bloggers respond....

- Bob at The Journey writes Why it's time to retire the Augusta County BOS:
"Get real! My cell phone is several years old. I'll replace it when it breaks. Then I'll buy the nicest one I can afford."
- David Karaffa at the Augusta Conservative notes an Augusta County Board of Supervisors wasteful spending alert!

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