Monday, April 12, 2010

Times Change, Things Get Ugly at JMU Springfest

What Kind of Leadership Are We Preparing for the Future?

"You tell kids in school that there is no absolute right or wrong. You tell them in college that there is no right and wrong. You tell them that people who believe in absolute right and wrong are intolerant and deny them a platform to speak from... then these young people rise to positions of leadership in industry... AND GOVERNMENT... and they believe that there is no absolute right and wrong. What do you get? When a person's own self-actualization becomes the sole moral imperative, how WILL they decide in those instances we have always considered 'making the tough choices?' " [1.]

When I saw Phil's report I had to remember these words. Looking at the videos it is hard to tell if you are in Harrisonburg or Watts? It seems the level of ugly has been raised on campuses.

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